Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just Cause preview

We covered Just Cause 2 before, both as quick impressions and as hands-on within isolated demo areas; for this session, Eidos personnel simply handed me the controller and hit "new game." There's a brief intro cut-scene detailing series protagonist Rico Rodriguez going to Panau (a fictional analogue of Malaysia, because I guess it's not okay to have a game about overthrowing the actual country) to take down his former boss from the first Just Cause, Tom Sheldon.
Another grappling hook mechanic that I love is tethering, which takes some getting used to (you basically keep holding down the Left Bumper after firing the grappling hook at your target, then move your reticule to where you want your target tethered to, and finally let go), but once I finally get the hang of it, I use it in lots of zany ways. Sometimes I tether a guy onto an overhanging structure, and wait for the cable to snap and watch the poor fool plummet. Sometimes, I pull off a slick "tether a dude onto a moving vehicle" move. But most of all, I make a lot of what I immaturely call "midair manwiches," where I tether two enemy soldiers to each other and watch as the retracting cable yanks them towards each other into a massive body slam. It takes a while to be able to do this with any regularity, but man alive, is it fun.

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